FAO-NCVC Document Repository

FAO-NCVC document repository provides access to articles, reports, guidelines, plans, strategies, and other knowledge products to support the management and conservation of vegetation and natural resources and protection of the environment.

FAO-NCVC Document Repository

Communities in NCVC

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Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • KSA Environment Sector
    These documents are formal publications, mostly published by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture. They encompass a range of materials, including strategies, action plans, and other relevant resources.
  • National Center for Vegetation Cover
    This repository refers to NCVC publications related to the sustainable management of Natural resources. They encompass various forms such as thematic reports, action plans, guidelines, manuals, and policy documents. Guidelines and manuals provide instructions and best practices for conservation, management, or restoration activities, while policy documents outline policies and regulations related to natural resource management.
  • News & Events
    This section entails updates, announcements, and information about recent developments, activities, and events relevant to the natural resources Sector. This section serves as a central hub for users to stay informed about the latest news, initiatives, and opportunities within their field of interest.
  • Sustainable Rural Agricultural Development (SRAD)
    This community holds knowledge products related to natural resources management in KSA, with a focus on forests, rangelands, national parks, and combating land desertification. The four areas are of key interest to the National Center for Vegetation Cover Development and Combating Desertification (NCVC) and are the main themes of the Natural Resources management (NRM) component of the Sustainable Rural Agriculture Development (SRAD) project. SRAD Project is developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture (MoEWA) and is implemented in partnership with NCVC.

Recent Submissions

Range Field Survey and Assessment Manual
Effective rangeland management relies on a comprehensive understanding of the nature, structure, and extent of the rangelands. Without this knowledge, accurately estimating carrying capacity, selecting appropriate animal species, and optimizing sustainable production become challenging for range managers. Rangeland surveys, conducted at various scales depending on objectives, serve to determine the potential of the rangeland, assess current production levels, evaluate the level of use, analyze the condition and trend, identify the proper mix of animal species, explore multiple uses, and ascertain economic value. This survey manual is designed to guide the observation, assessment, and surveying of rangeland conditions, vegetation, species composition, biomass production, and carrying capacity. Developed to support the National Center for Vegetation Cover (NCVC) in surveying Saudi Arabia's rangelands and natural resources, the manual provides a standardized methodology incorporating geospatial technology, enabling managers and technicians to collect, analyze, and interpret data for sustainable rangeland management in the Kingdom.
Forestry sector review of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia faces a semiarid to hyperarid climate, resulting in water scarcity and diminished vegetal cover. With only 2% of the land suitable for agriculture, the country has 2.7 million hectares of forest lands, 171 million hectares of rangelands, and 158,000 hectares of mangroves. Despite a low forest cover of 1.3%, forests play a crucial role in protecting against erosion, biodiversity preservation, carbon sequestration, water distribution, and economic, recreational, scenic, touristic, and climatic values. The Forest Sector Review (FSR) aims to analyze the sector's current state and recommend interventions aligning with KSA Vision 2030 and national and international development goals. The FSR methodology includes quantitative and qualitative data collection, stakeholder consultations, and workshops. Findings reveal challenges in staffing, technical capacity, legal frameworks, and urgent environmental concerns. Recommendations focus on human resource development, organizational capacity building, and the creation of a national forest policy to promote sustainable management, community engagement, and socio-economic development. Strategic interventions target forest cover improvement, ecosystem management, climate change adaptation, governance, enterprise enhancement, research, gender mainstreaming, and sectoral coordination, aiming to positively influence KSA's forestry development.
Best Practice Criteria and Indicators for selecting and prioritizing sites for ecotourism development in National Parks
Ecotourism development at the National Parks sites of Saudi Arabia is presently at an embryonic stage. Kickstarting investments and establishment of ecotourism ventures at the National Parks, will involve two proactive and innovative complementary strategies: developing guiding criteria and indicators for selecting suitable National Park sites for ecotourism development and providing investors with information on the investment opportunities at the National Parks. These strategic approaches will unlock and overcome the obstacles currently holding back the underutilized ecotourism potential in the National Parks of Saudi Arabia. This report provides a framework for selection and prioritization of sites for ecotourism development based on key criteria against which a potential site can be assessed such as the level of National Park area attractiveness in terms of natural and cultural features, the parks conducive enabling environment for promoting ecotourism ventures, the National Parks tourism carrying capacity and the existing National Parks infrastructure. This information will assist in making an objective analysis of the potential sites before the commencement of any ecotourism project. It will serve as a guiding tool for the National Parks department, National Park managers and the private investors in integrating basic sustainability standards for planning and implementing ecotourism operations
Rangeland Rehabilitation guideline
The document outlines key rehabilitation techniques for Saudi Arabian rangelands, emphasizing the importance of tailored approaches based on specific conditions. It covers water harvesting methods to address water waste and erosion, soil scarification for flat areas, rainwater harvesting systems, direct seeding as a cost-effective option, and the benefits and challenges of planting fodder shrubs. The document also underscores sustainable rangeland management practices, including monitoring, participatory approaches, and grazing management, with a focus on achieving long-term productivity and ecological health.
Rangeland Carrying Capacity in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
(2022) FAO KSA
The ecological and socioeconomic assessment of four pilot sites in Saudi Arabia revealed significant degradation of rangelands, primarily due to overgrazing and amplified by factors like erratic droughts. To restore these ecosystems and implement a successful grazing management plan, several strategies are recommended. In areas where degradation is not irreversible, short-term protection measures can enhance plant regeneration. In more severely affected regions, reintroducing native species is essential. Improving soil quality through water harvesting and land treatments is advised. A community grazing organization process involving all stakeholders is proposed. The efficient grazing plan should align stocking rates with carrying capacity and adapt during droughts. Reviving traditional range management could be beneficial. Additionally, accompanying measures like watering points and service centers are suggested. FAO's role in strengthening rangeland management includes monitoring systems, capacity building, data management, and aligning actions with environmental initiatives. This approach aims to engage all stakeholders, focusing on rural pastoral communities and their institutions for sustainable rangeland management and supporting rural livelihoods.